NameError: name 'x' is not defined
是 Python 中常見的錯誤之一,通常表示你嘗試訪問一個尚未定義的變數或函式。特別是全域性名稱未定義時,意味著你在使用某個全域性變數或函式時,Python 在當前名稱空間中找不到該名稱。
在使用 Python 時,如果遇到了 NameError: global name 'control_queue' is not defined 的錯誤,通常是因為嘗試訪問一個尚未定義的全域性變數。這種情況常見於多執行緒或多程序程式設計中,因為不同執行緒或程序可能無法訪問彼此的區域性變數。
在下面示例的程式碼中,control_queue 變數在函式 halt_listener 中被使用,但是它並沒有在函式外部定義。這就會導致 NameError: global name 'control_queue' is not defined 的錯誤。
要解決此問題,需要在函式外部定義 control_queue 變數,或者將 control_queue 傳遞給 halt_listener 函式作為引數。
2.1 將 control_queue 定義為全域性變數
import multiprocessing import time from threading import Thread class test_imports:#Test classes remove alive = {'import_1': True, 'import_2': True}; def __init__(self, control_queue): self.control_queue = control_queue def halt_listener(self, thread_Name, kill_command): while True: print ("Checking queue for kill") isAlive = self.control_queue.get() print ("isAlive", isAlive) if isAlive == kill_command: print ("kill listener triggered") self.alive[thread_Name] = False; return def import_1(self, thread_Number): print ("Import_1 number %d started") % thread_Number halt = test_imports() t = Thread(target=halt.halt_listener, args=(control_Queue, 'import_1', 't1kill')) count = 0 global alive run = test_imports.alive['import_1']; while run: print ("Thread type 1 number %d run count %d") % (thread_Number, count) count = count + 1 print ("Test Import_1 ", run) run = self.alive['import_1']; print ("Killing thread type 1 number %d") % thread_Number def import_2(self, thread_number): print ("Import_2 number %d started") % thread_number count = 1 while True: alive = self.control_queue.get() count = count + 1 if alive == 't2kill': print ("Killing thread type 2 number %d") % thread_number return else: print ("Thread type 2 number %d run count %d") % (thread_number, count) class worker_manager: def __init__(self): self.children = {} def generate(self, control_queue, threadName, runNum): i = test_imports(control_queue) if threadName == 'one': print ("Starting import_1 number %d") % runNum p = multiprocessing.Process(target=i.import_1, args=(runNum,)) self.children[threadName] = p p.start() elif threadName == 'two': print ("Starting import_2 number %d") % runNum p = multiprocessing.Process(target=i.import_2, args=(runNum,)) self.children[threadName] = p p.start() elif threadName == 'three': p = multiprocessing.Process(target=i.import_1, args=(runNum,)) print ("Starting import_1 number %d") % runNum p2 = multiprocessing.Process(target=i.import_2, args=(runNum,)) print ("Starting import_2 number %d") % runNum self.children[threadName] = p self.children[threadName] = p2 p.start() p2.start() else: print ("Not a valid choice choose one two or three") def terminate(self, threadName): self.children[threadName].join if __name__ == '__main__': # Establish communication queues control_queue = multiprocessing.Queue() manager = worker_manager() runNum = int(raw_input("Enter a number: ")) threadNum = int(raw_input("Enter number of threads: ")) threadName = raw_input("Enter number: ") thread_Count = 0 print ("Starting threads") for i in range(threadNum): manager.generate(control_queue, threadName, i) thread_Count = thread_Count + 1 time.sleep(runNum)#let threads do their thing print ("Terminating threads") for i in range(thread_Count): control_queue.put("t1kill") control_queue.put("t2kill") manager.terminate(threadName)
2.2 將 control_queue 傳遞給 halt_listener 函式作為引數
import multiprocessing import time from threading import Thread class test_imports:#Test classes remove alive = {'import_1': True, 'import_2': True}; def halt_listener(self, control_queue, thread_Name, kill_command): while True: print ("Checking queue for kill") isAlive = control_queue.get() print ("isAlive", isAlive) if isAlive == kill_command: print ("kill listener triggered") self.alive[thread_Name] = False; return def import_1(self, control_queue, thread_Number): print ("Import_1 number %d started") % thread_Number halt = test_imports() t = Thread(target=halt.halt_listener, args=(control_queue, 'import_1', 't1kill')) count = 0 global alive run = test_imports.alive['import_1']; while run: print ("Thread type 1 number %d run count %d") % (thread_Number, count) count = count + 1 print ("Test Import_1 ", run) run = self.alive['import_1']; print ("Killing thread type 1 number %d") % thread_Number def import_2(self, control_queue, thread_number): print ("Import_2 number %d started") % thread_number count = 1 while True: alive = control_queue.get() count = count + 1 if alive == 't2kill': print ("Killing thread type 2 number %d") % thread_number return else: print ("Thread type 2 number %d run count %d") % (thread_number, count) class worker_manager: def __init__(self): self.children = {} def generate(self, control_queue, threadName, runNum): i = test_imports() if threadName == 'one': print ("Starting import_1 number %d") % runNum p = multiprocessing.Process(target=i.import_1, args=(control_queue, runNum)) self.children[threadName] = p p.start() elif threadName == 'two': print ("Starting import_2 number %d") % runNum p = multiprocessing.Process(target=i.import_2, args=(control_queue, runNum)) self.children[threadName] = p p.start() elif threadName == 'three': p = multiprocessing.Process(target=i.import_1, args=(control_queue, runNum)) print ("Starting import_1 number %d") % runNum p2 = multiprocessing.Process(target=i.import_2, args=(control_queue, runNum)) print ("Starting import_2 number %d") % runNum self.children[threadName] = p self.children[threadName] = p2 p.start() p2.start() else: print ("Not a valid choice choose one two or three") def terminate(self, threadName): self.children[threadName].join if __name__ == '__main__': # Establish communication queues control_queue = multiprocessing.Queue() manager = worker_manager() runNum = int(raw_input("Enter a number: ")) threadNum = int(raw_input("Enter number of threads: ")) threadName = raw_input("Enter number: ") thread_Count = 0 print ("Starting threads") for i in range(threadNum): manager.generate
的出現通常意味著 Python 找不到你引用的變數或函式。爲了避免這個錯誤,你可以:
這些實踐可以幫助你更有效地避免和解決 NameError